

Art Submission Guidelines

3D Insight Submission

Hello 3D Artists

Your artwork deserves a place on 3DArtisty! Contribute to our community by sharing your creative process. Your insights can benefit others. Each of us is a drop, but together, we create an ocean of inspiration.

Here are some reasons to share your work with us:

Increased Visibility: We go the extra mile to promote your work through our social media, website, and various channels. Your art deserves to be seen by the right people.

Spotlight: You and your artwork will be featured for a 24-hour spotlight as we upload one artwork daily, offering a fantastic opportunity for increased recognition and exposure.

Recognition: We are dedicated to recognizing and promoting your talent. By joining 3DArtisty, you position yourself to be seen by the right audience.

Connect with Fellow Artists: Our platform is designed for artists to connect, share, and learn from each other. Showcase your workflow and build meaningful connections within our vibrant community.

Submission Process:

Introduce Yourself: Begin by sharing a bit about yourself. Let the community know who you are.

Creative Process: Share the creative process behind your artwork in your own words. Just explain how you created it. Don't worry if your English isn't perfect; we'll take care of that. Just send it our way. We're eager to see your masterpiece!

Specific Requests: Clearly state what you would like from us. If there's a particular aspect of your submission that you want us to highlight or if you have specific requests, let us know.

Image Attachments: If possible, attach raw images during your creative process. This provides a visual insight into your artistic journey and enhances the storytelling.

Submission: Once you've written and attached the necessary files, simply send them to us. We'll take care of the rest.

Send Now

After you've submitted, please allow us some time to publish it. If you have any questions, feel free to Contact us. Thanks for your contribution and time; we respect your valuable input.